Sunday, September 23, 2012

Cruise to Alaska - Juneau

I am still .. on my travelling tour in Australia right now but as my friends would know i took a 7 day cruise to Alaska. One of the ship's first stops was at Juneau where i took a helicopter ride to a glacier.

Alaska was breathtakingly beautiful. It was one amazing view after another, sometimes we spotted whales and dolphins in the distance as well. 

Sailing into Juneau  

 Getting ready for the helicopter ride...

 As we landed on the glacier, i remembered marveling at how blue the ice was underneath my feet. We wandered around with a guide and drank fresh water running through the glacier. Walking around, the guide explained to us regarding on how glaciers are formed 

Ending my day in Juneau with a ice cold beer at the Red Dog saloon where Wyatt Earl famously left his gun and never had a chance to claim it.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Cup of Joe at Seattle

Now i understand the allure of the West Coast, I loved the Seattle vibe ~  

The customary cup of Joe 

I was fortunate enough to catch salmon spawning season as they fought the currents to swim up the river to mate. Seeing how hard they swam was simply breathtaking ....and gave me inspiration to eat salmon at Pike Market. Hey... I am a realist afterall.  

The long long lines at the first Starbucks that spawned a global faceless empire.