Sunday, May 18, 2014

Shanghai - Still holds a special place in my heart

Has it really been 5 years? Off to the CEIBS reunion. Until now, i still think that it was the best decision that i have ever made.

My Favorite things

My Dearest Friends

And a dynamic, ever changing environment

Whirlwind Adelaide Trip

As the official and only bridesmaid, the bride kept me busy. Till now, i have no idea where we went for that last couple of days ! In fact, she forbidden me from taking photos of the wedding.

Eh, in other ages, this would be what people called slavery, my friend. :P

At the rehearsal wedding, the kids were so adorable ! I had to coax them into a game to get them to practice walking down the aisle.

Feedback from the bride's mother : "Eh, can you please get [Bride] to walk properly, she looks like she is trotting off to the wet market like that !!"

The beautiful vineyard where the wedding was held - Chapel Hill

On the day itself,

[All other photos have been banned]

Ahem, for this act of slavery, i will like to demand eternal free lodging at your new house by the sea. :) So that i can come visit my best friend whenever i need. I love you, my dearest friend - and i do meant by my speech. I am glad that you have built such a wonderful life with him - though i will miss you dearly.

Sun City & Cape Town

Anyone that knows me knows that i have a disdain for packaged tours - it always feels to me that i am not travelling per se - much like travelling for business. You don't really get to go see the things that you really want to. Though, this family trip really helped me to bond closer with the extended family. Like winning a drinking competition with my elders ! You win some, you lose some.

After being in Sun City - i really don't understand what the hype is about the place.

The famous wave pool. Yawn.

Instead of lounging by the pool, we signed up for a trip to the Pilanesberg National Park. I really enjoyed this trip - where we got to see the animals in the wild - mingling in herds. We even saw the elephants migrating. After that, my Dad caught a fever from the cold. >.<

The next day, we headed to the beautiful mall called - VA Waterfront.

Visited the customary vineyard

Ostrich Farm.

Table Mountain - the view from the top. We were lucky because when we left - it started to rain and they were evacuating people off the mountain.

Camps Bay Beach

The really smelly Seal Island

Fish Heok Beach for lunch

Boulders Penguin Colony

Cape of Good Hope

As you can tell, it was a touch and go trip. If given a choice, i would have loved to explore, stroll and walk more at these scenic places - hey, this is what happens on a packaged tour. Ironically, the tour company collapsed a few days after we came back to Singapore. I guess they were in a touch and go situation as well