Monday, October 6, 2014

Turkey - Sirince & Efes

On Day 5 - we went from the north to the south of Turkey for an entirely different experience. Renting a car, we drove from the airport to Sirince Terrace Houses - where we experienced staying in a old stone house that was hundreds of years ago - just like one of those houses that nobles would stay in Efes.

A small touristy charming town, Sirince was known for its local produce & charming terrace houses.

Day 6 - The next day, we went to Efes. Until now, i will still remember how 'he' called me at the hotel reception - trying to reach me at breakfast, :) 

We parked at the end of Efes and took a horse carriage up to the entrance.

Arriving at Efes which has one of the world's largest collection of Roman ruins

Temple of Celsius - one of the ancient world's great 7 wonders 

Terrace Houses at Ephesus - where we saw archaeologists hard at work - trying to restore the ruins 

On our last stop at Efes, we went to the first Church for Virgin Mary.

Later on, we drove to the house of Virgin Mary where she died

Lastly, the sad looking Temple of Artemis - burnt and rebuilt - to today, when a symbolic lone pillar remains.

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